Wednesday 13 July 2011


1. What does an atom looks like?  
What are the sub-atomic particles inside it.....(talk about electrons, neutrons, protons, electron shells, nucleus....)

This is an example of an Atom. 

Atom; It is the basic unit of matter that consists of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
Subatomic particles; The smaller particles composing nucleons and atom

An atom consists of protons, electrons and neutrons. These particles are smaller than the atom, thus they are called subatomic particles.

Electron; It carries a negative electric charge and it is a subatomic particle It does not have any components or substructure. It has a mass of 1/183. The smallest part of an atom and it is found in the atom's shell
Protons; The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the proton number or an atomic number. relative charge of the proton is +1 and relative mass is 1
Neutron ; The are large and heavy like protons, however it does have no electrical charge. It has the exact same mass as the proton.

2.Draw the atomic structure of a sodium atom and a sodium ion....
explain why you draw it this way.

The sodium atom is drawn this way as its electronic configuration is (2.8.1) It only has one electron on its last shell. 

The sodium ion lost its last shell consisting of 1 election causing its electronic configuration to be only (2.8), making it stable

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